Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My first Post!

My first post as an official blogger! This blog is actually a product of a Comp. 2 assignment, but I'm slowly warming up to the idea of blogging.
The title of this page sums up the main ideas I will be discussing. The role Religion should play in everyday life. I look forward to researching this topic and expounding on it!

Good luck to my readers (if I happen to attract any).


John B. said...

This is your prof, in case you're wondering. Thanks for sending me the link to your blog.

I suspect you know this already, but it's my teacherly duty to say this: "Real Life" is a big topic. In order for it to be both manageable and substantive for your research essay, you'll need to find a way to narrow it. As just one example: in the past couple of weeks, I've run across some essays by Catholics who are on the one hand attracted to Obama's candidacy but are also strongly pro-life (which Obama is not). They face a dilemma: should a candidate's stance on a certain issue trump all other considerations for people of faith? Why or why not? Not that you have to choose this particular topic, but that one seems like one that could be handled in the space and time we have this semester.

Your topic is one I happen to be very interested in for many reasons; I look forward to reading what you post here. Good luck with it.

Anonymous said...

John B. commands we visit, and visit we do.

Welcome to the Blogiverse!

I, too, am interested in this topic. I'm a Christian and often have discussions about the proper role my spiritual beliefs should have in the exercise of public rights and discharge of my public responsibilities. I've blogged about it before.

I look forward to your take.


dejavaboom said...

As a teacher who has been offended by related topics, a forewarning: do not try to convert anyone. That aside, I think we should all, always be wrestling with this. Check out CS Lewis's writing on similar issues of faith in public life.

Anonymous said...

wow, only one post? just kidding, i just know your mad at me since i've already met the requirement.
keep writing, and don't stop till you get to the requirement. LoL just kidding again.
but seriously, good topic. write more.

Trihardist said...

Look at all the readers you've already attracted! Hurray!

I second your professor's comment. It's an important thing to learn about composition, especially in the academic realm: you have to be very, very choosy with your words. You do close readings of texts, yes? And you spend lots and lots of time agonizing over *why* an author chose a particular word, yes? Think about your writing in that sense. Anything you write, your audience may potentially be analyzing why you chose that word. So be choosy.

An example: in my senior thesis, I kept using the term "patriarchy," but I was using it in different ways, meaning different things while trying to use the same word. It was hard work, trying to parse what exactly I meant each time, then trying to communicate my meaning in a direct and unmistakable way.

And that's your job :-) I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

E.H. said...

AH! Thanks everyone for visiting my humble blog. =)

First off. I adore C.S. Lewis! I recently finished "The Great Divorce", It was wonderful.
Secondly. I'm sorry to hear you've been offended by related topics in the past, people can be harsh and small minded. However, the assignment I will be full-filling through this blog is meant to be 'argumentative' so, my blog will have an obvious leaning based on my own personal belief system. I will, of course, strive to be open minded and unoffensive with my words. Thank you for the advice and the comment! =)