Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Establishment Clause.

It is evident that the constitution addresses the matter of religion. The Establishment Clause found in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution states; " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It is clear that there is no mention of "A wall of separation". In fact, it would appear that the Founders’ intent when penning the Establishment Clause was by prohibiting the establishment of a state religion, such as the one they left behind in England, to protect religion from government, not government from religion. There is no
place in the founding documents of the United States that indicate that our government should be completely void of and separate from religion. Might it not be a violation of the principles of the constitution to prohibit an individual to display religious decorations at his job, even if the individual is employed by the government? The Constitution clearly states that congress shall make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. To exhibit a monument of the Ten Commandments, a cross or crucifix in one’s workplace would not be a breach of the Constitution, whether one works in an insurance office or a court house. The First Amendment does not come with the qualifier, “you may prohibit someone’s free exercise of religion if they are employed by the government.” The first amendment, in fact, does not come with any qualifiers, it plainly says that the government is not to encroach on the free exercise of religion.

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